Friday, August 29, 2008

First Time Blogger

Well, I have finally "broken down" and decided to start a blog. Finally making us official bloggers. Much has happened over the past year and I have finally decided to start documenting it for the enjoyment of friends and family.

Beginning with the arrival of our precious little girl, Claire Judith. Born the 31st of July weighing 8 lbs even, her birth marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. She is so dear and has already found a place in our hearts.
I love watching her sleep! Having her tiny body curled up on your chest while listening to her breathe is one of my favorite things at the moment. Enjoying each finger and toe, making sure not to miss a moment.

Jacob and I are also celebrating our first anniversary on the 31st of August! Another momentous occasion in only a month. This year has been a big one and the next is also showing promise of being another big year for our family. Now that our family of two has grown to a family of three!

With Jacob beginning school and my being at home with Claire these should be some interesting times for our family.

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